Jerry sees his reflection in a mirror and is soon laughing along with Tom at how ridiculous he looks.

unaware the potion has worn off, whereupon Tom gets revenge by grabbing Jerry and cutting his fur to look like he's wearing a bikini. Actually Pretty Funny: In the 1965 short "Of Feline Bondage", Jerry drinks an invisibility potion and spends most of the second half of the cartoon menacing Tom with a pair of scissors, ultimately cutting his fur to look like he's wearing a tank top and shorts.The bulldog ends up inching away like a caterpillar, making accordion sounds as it moves. In "Tom-ic Energy", the bulldog that's chasing Tom slams into a manhole cover and gets scrunched up.The wolf proceeds to pick him up and play him like an accordion. Happens to Tom in "Neapolitan Mouse" after the wolf sends him running into the wall.Whilst Tom is disgusted, the eagle enjoys it so much he ends up dropping Jerry in celebration. Jerry engineers one between Tom and the eagle in Flirty Birdy, courtesy of the elastic on Tom’s party blower beak.Needless to say, the dog is far from amused. One of these kickstarts the whole plot of Dog Trouble, when Tom crashes into the sleeping bulldog and ends up locking lips.It takes nearly 10 seconds before the front half of the whole thing drives into view (the driver's seat is in the middle), and another 8 before the back half drives out of view. He eventually pulls up to his love interest's house in an old, broken-down car, only to be driven over by his competitor's limousine. Absurdly-Long Limousine: The short, Blue Cat Blues, has Tom competing with a rich cat for a kitty's heart.Abhorrent Admirer: A rare same-sex version in Flirty Birdy, wherein Tom earns the unwanted attentions of a male eagle whilst disguised as a female.