Choose whether you want to export the terrain using the Export Terrain check box. Set the Format option to Autodesk FBX (*.fbx) or Wavefront (*.obj). What you should specify depends on the software you will use to work with the exported model. Relative Path to Texture Images lets you choose either a relative or absolute path to the folder with exported textures created by activating Copy Texture Images. Without the original textures, the model may look different when you open it in another software. Select Copy Texture Images to export all of the textures used in your 3D model to a dedicated folder. Select Fix Texture Coordinate, if the textures with applied transformations look incorrect in the software used to open the exported model. Specify whether you wish to export the light sources, predefined and user cameras using the corresponding check boxes. If you don't know the requirements of the software you will use to open the exported model, keep the default state. Up Axis defines the name of the vertical axis in the output file. Set the Format option to Collada (*.dae) or Collada Zipped (*.zae or *.zip). Specify whether you wish to export the terrain and sky using the Export Terrain and Export Background check boxes correspondingly. Set up the size and quality of the image you wish to render. Set the Format option to RenderMan (*.rib). Set the Format option to VRML Version 2.0 (*.wrl) or X3D (*.x3d). This option will not affect your project.
To keep all of the details, keep the check box deselected. To simplify the 3D model before exporting it, select the Merge coplanar triangles check box.Select the version of the SketchUp format.Choose what you want to export: an object, floor, or the entire project.Set the Format option to Trimble SketchUp (*.skp).Choose File > Export > Export to File… in the menu.To export the entire project, you don’t have to select anything in particular. To export a floor, activate it in the Building Properties tab of the Inspector. To export an object, select it in the project. You can open the Export dialog by using the File > Export > Export to File… menu command, or by clicking the Share toolbar button and choosing the Export to File… option. This format can be used to transfer your 3D model to other software in order to use an external renderer. Universal Scene Description (*.usdz) ( Pro edition only).Compressed SceneKit Scene Document (*.scnz) ( Pro edition only).SceneKit Scene Document (*.scn) ( Pro edition only).This format can be used to transfer your project to other 3D editing programs (3DS Max, Maya, Cinema, Strata, Shade and others). Collada (*.dae), Zipped Collada (*.zae, *.zip).This format is compatible with software like Pixar RenderMan and 3Delight. You can export a 3D model to one of the following formats:
Working with Projects Exporting a 3D Model