How to add shapes on google docs
How to add shapes on google docs

The process for using the drawing tools is more or less the same. Image (box with a mountain inside): Insert an image from your computer or Google Drive, or search for one on the internet.Text box (box with a “T” inside): Insert a text box to add text to your drawing.Shape (circle overlapping a square): Allows you to insert several premade shapes, including arrows, callouts, and equation symbols.

how to add shapes on google docs

Lines (slanting line): Choose between several different line styles to draw.Select (cursor): Select a shape in your drawing.You can insert a ruler or guidelines from the drop-down menu. Zoom (magnifying glass): Zoom in or out on your drawing.Redo (curved arrow pointing right): Redo the most recently undone action.

how to add shapes on google docs how to add shapes on google docs

  • Undo (curved arrow pointing left): Undo the most recent action.
  • Actions: Displays a menu with different actions, such as downloading the image, showing version history, copying, pasting, and rotating the image, and inserting Word Art.

  • How to add shapes on google docs